Advancing the tropical fish hobby and saving the rainforest

PVAS Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit dedicated to advancement of the tropical fish hobby. The Foundation conducts and funds conservation of tropical fish natural habitats, funds scientific research regarding fish keeping, and engages in educational activities aimed at increasing the public’s awareness of environmental issues to ensure conservation becomes – and remains – a top priority for current and future generations.
Rain Forest Preservation
Forests cover 31 percent of the land area of our planet. They produce vital oxygen and provide homes for people and wildlife. Many of the most threatened and endangered animals life in the forest.
Every year we are losing 18.7 million acres of forests, the equivalent of 28 football fields every minute. Deforestation comes in many forms, including fires, clear cutting for agriculture, ranching and development, unsustainable logging for timber, and degradation due to climate change. The plants and animals—neotropical ornamental fish—that used to live in these forests either die or must find a new forest to call their home. Humans are the main cause of rainforest destruction.
Humans are also the ones to protect the Rain Forest.
The PVAS Foundation supports Project Amazonas, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that maintains two forest preserves in the Peruvian Amazon Rain Forest. Project Amazonas has the opportunity to expand these preserves and acquire special protective status.
In 2018 PVAS Foundation will purchase 29 hectares (2.47 acres/hectare) to add to the Santa Rosa Forest Preserve on the Mazan River near Iquitos, Peru.
Research Grants
The Potomac Valley Aquarium Society Foundation solicits entities with trained personnel and the appropriate equipment to submit applications for grants of $1,000.00 for research and development leading to the improvement of the survival of wild caught tropical fish.
Such improvements can be directed at any or all of the following areas for improved health of tropical fish in general or of a specific species of fish:
Identify the types of diseases and parasites wild caught fish typically have.
Identify effective treatments of such diseases and parasites of wild caught fish and methods for these treatments for fish in holding tanks prior to shipment.
Identify critical parameters for improvement of housing of wild caught fish while awaiting shipment to pet stores and hobbyists.
Identify critical parameters and procedures for improving shipping of tropical fish from country of origin to pet stores and hobbyists.
Identify improved acclimation procedures for shipped fish being transferred from shipping containers to pet shop or hobbyist tanks.
The overall goal is to conserve wild fish in their native waters by increasing the survival rate of wild caught fish and bring into the hobby healthy, parasite-free fish that have a better chance to acclimate to and survive in the hobbyist's aquarium.
Grants will be made for a period of one year and are renewable. Grant applications must include goals and methods to be used in the research or development process. A final report is required outlining procedures used and findings within one month of the end of the grant period.
Publication of result in scientific and or hobbyist publications is encouraged.
Grants are funded by donations to the PVAS Foundation. Donations to the PVAS Foundation are tax deductible.
Use the link below to shop at Amazon, with a donation going from Amazon to the PVAS Foundation.
About Project Amazonas
Project Amazonas is a Peruvian/USA non-profit, non-sectarian and non-political organization dedicated to humanitarian, conservation, and education activities in the Peruvian Amazon region of Loreto. Project Amazonas conserves the biological resources of the Amazon though the field stations that it operates and makes available to researchers, students and visitors. Its objective is to conserve the biological riches and functionality of the Amazon rainforest while improving the lives of the rainforest's human residents. Project Amazonas also serves the indigenous and other peoples living in remote areas though medical service and educational programs and sustainable development initiatives.