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Forum Posts
Apr 17, 2021
In Fish Mongers
Sorry for the late post. I will be attending for as long as possible but I'm on-call for work so I cant "setup shop". I have the following for delivery if anyone is interested. Thanks, Brett Albino BN 2-3" $5 L144a Lemon blue/black eye BN 1"-2" $5 2"-3" $10 limited
L144a Long Fin Lemon blue/black eye BN 1"-1.5" $15 limited Red Cherry shrimp 10+1 $20 (+1 is incase of any casualties) C.paleatus (Pepper Cory) Adult group of 6 $30 CW097 Adult group of 6 $40 Blue or Orange Dragon Blood Malawi Peacocks (Specify your color preference) Also have groups for those interested All showing awesome colors 2"-2.5" $10 2.5"-3" $20 3"-3.5" $25 4" $35 Breeding group of 6 $50 Ruby Red Aulonocara Peacocks (breeding group for those interested) 2"-2.5" $10 2.5"-3" $20 3"-3.5" $25 4" $35 Breeding group of 6 $50 Protomelas sp. Taiwan Reef. Breeding groups are available XL male $60 3.5"-4" $35 Breeding group of 6 $50 Protomelas sp. Taeniolatus (Super Red Empress) XL male $65 2"-3" $25 or group of 11 for $100 obo Astatotilapia burtoni 4"-5"Adult group of 8 $80
Jul 05, 2019
In Fish Mongers
Hi guys/gals, I rescued several fish several months ago. I have a big, beautiful Heros Sp. Rotkeil/ Red Head, I was told shes a female. I also have 2 female Rainbow Goodeid/ Characodon lateralis and 2 unknown, what I believe are Ancistrus species. I can bring them to the July meeting for whomever can provide them with a good home. Id prefer only to rehome the Characodon to someone who is familiar with Goodeids and also has males as they are extremely endangered. I will do my best to get some photos up asap. Thanks, Brett
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