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Nov 06, 2020
In In The Tank
This has been going on for a couple of months, but other than sitting - on an ornament, on a plant, or on the bottom, one of my blue gouramis just sits most of the time. I put him in quarantine for a month and he swam a bit more, but didn't appear sick so I put him back in general population. He goes to the top for air and food, swims a bit now and then, but otherwise just sits. The others do not molest him and no one else is acting strangely. Any idea what's up?
Nov 06, 2020
In Chatter Box
Aqua Pharm Foods' delivery is as bad as their products are wonderful. Still waiting on an order from September. I think Frank got them off their duff's the last time I ordered. Does anyone know of a comparable food? Fish are probably burnt out on Ken's flakes. For all of the really nice lfs around here, the food selections are pretty limited.
Jul 14, 2019
In In The Tank
My "eggs" just float on top and won't stay down no matter how much I stir. Obviously, not many hatched. Did they send me a package of shells?
Jul 10, 2019
In Chatter Box
After working for months to clear my tank and my two blue gouramis of capillaria I now have not one, but TWO spawns swimming in the tank along with their parents who haven't laid a fin on them. They are about 10 days apart and parents were getting cosy again just now. There are probably 300 fish in that tank now. I never expected to be able to raise any this time around, still getting set up. Brine shrimp should be ready tomorrow. I had a hard enough time rehoming a single spawn. But they are soooo cute!! Ignore the algae. For some reason, Hans Peter doesn't want them down on that end of the tank. ;-)
Blue Gouramis x 2 content media
May 25, 2019
In In The Tank
I currently mix half raw well water with half RO water for use in my aquarium. This involves bypassing the water softener. The softerner's bypass valve is very awkward to use and, being plastic, it scares us. I can get water from a spigot between the well and the softener but it is really turbulent. If I let a glass of water sit, I get a good 1/8" of sediment. I want to filter the water directly from the well. How many microns should I shoot for? Oh, and the pressure at the well is about 60 psi, if that matters. Thanks.
Mar 29, 2019
In In The Tank
My poor fish are in a quarantine tank being treated for both capillaria and camellanus worms using levamisole which seems to be doing the trick for them. I am clearing their normal home now, having nuked it once more with levamisole which doesn't "do" snails or capillaria eggs and figured I might as well nuke them while I am at it. I have fenbendazole here which is supposed to be added to food. No fish in that tank so no food. Will dumping it straight into the water wipe out the pests regardless of their life cycle stage? The tank is also planted if that needs to be considered. Thanks!
Mar 24, 2019
In In The Tank
Dealing with my first ever capillaria infestation. Yuck. Lost one fish, but think the other two will pull through. Tank is planted and has a lot of nooks and crannies, so getting these dead worms out of here is a bear, to say the least. I looked everywhere for the right approach and PraziPro was not it. After that failed, I went to levamisole which is really showing results. Here is what I am doing 2ppm for 24 hours in total blackout followed by a close to 100% water change, then repeat weekly for 2 more doses. After each dose, there is a LOT of cleanup. Will let you know how it turns out. I am also feeding levamisole medicated flakes. Fortunately they are both still eating. In my case 2ppm is 1 gram of Levamisole HCL (drench solution) dissolved in water to treat 120 gallons. A lot of stuff I read was dosing up to 13 ppm! Just go ahead and get a little scale if you don't already have one. They are cheap when you don't need them and priceless when you do. I think this is the one I have: This adventure has also taught me that guaranteed snail free isn't a guarantee of a snail free tank. Killed one a month ago and two today. I also learned that levamisole doesn't faze them unless that is why they came out of hiding. Might have been the blackout, though. And I carried 2 garter snakes out of the house this morning. One greeted me getting out of the shower and the other was hanging out around the RO barrel.
Mar 01, 2019
In In The Tank
I am looking for adjustable light hangers that work with just lifting or pulling down on the light fixture. We had a light over our table in Germany that did this and I hear that they exist for grow lights and such. I have a pair of "easy rollers" that came with my LEDs but which are really cheap and require fooling with a nut - when they work but they always want to retract and won't stay down. Anyone have any luck with anything else?
Feb 23, 2019
In Chatter Box
Anyone still ordering from them? I placed an order on January 1 and got the confirmation email, but no sign of the food and follow up email goes unanswered.
Feb 07, 2019
In In The Tank
Never had trouble with pH before, but never had to deal with RO water, either. Apparently the little bit of gravel, maybe 1/2 pound, I added as decor is the prime suspect in the jump of my pH from 6.6 to 8.4. Most of it sealed off with the silicone I used to attach it and whatever coating TopFin uses to make it shiny. You can see all of the gravel from this angle. It is a single layer siliconed onto french drain piping The KH has gone from 6 dKH to 7 dKH, not enough to matter to me. Would so little gravel cause this shift? The only other change is the addition of plants but that should bring it down if anything, right? I can remove the gravel (substrate is EcoComplete) and redo the work with trap rock which, from what I am reading, is basalt and doesn't mess with the pH if the gravel I used is the culprit here. Your thoughts?
Getting the pH under control content media
Feb 02, 2019
In Chatter Box
Of COURSE they are my blue gouramis - lots of growing in to do if you are a plant and some growing up if you are a fish. Off to a good start, finally!
First fish in our new home!   content media
Jan 13, 2019
In In The Tank
We used to have these and loved them. The shop we visited yesterday had a phenomenal tank full and they were in full "take me home" mode, schooling back and forth. Looking at the requirements for them, I am finding quite a few that state the water hardness should be between 2-6 but some have it up to 12. Shooting for final dKH of 8 because we must have clown loaches. So...... Does anyone have a reason I shouldn't keep them together and do you think 8dKH is going to be a problem for the tetras?
Jan 05, 2019
In In The Tank
I just hooked up an RO Buddie and it is running its initial flush of the RO membrane. If the waste water is supposed to be 4-5 gallons per gallon of finished water, why is the finished water line putting out a strong, steady stream while the waste water line is only dribbling?
Jan 05, 2019
In Introduce Yourself
Finally getting set up at my new house in Minnesota. Only fish I have seen since I moved are the lovely gamefish that my husband has brought home. Two days ago I hit my 55th year as a fishkeeper. Cannot WAIT until this tank is finally ready to receive them!
My name is JoAnn and I am a fish addict content media


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