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Dec 13, 2024
In News & Events
Nova Tropicals in Woodbridge is closing by the end of the month. It opened right when the pandemic started. It was a nice store and the owner, Dave Dempsey was supper nice. Still has stuff to sell but talked with him today and said he would be out by the end of the month. He said he was going to stay in the area and plans on coming to PVAS meetings. Sad to see it go.
Jan 02, 2021
In News & Events
There is a new local fish store in Dale City called Nova Tropicals. I have had a chance to talk with the owner, Dave Dempsey and he has agreed to give PVAS paid members 10 % off both freshwater and saltwater fish. Due to the problem with Covid, any membership card from 2019 and 2020 will be honored for the foreseeable future. Buying dry goods... ask to speak with Dave to see if there can be additional discounts. They are also interested in contact with local fish breeders. Once we are over Covid and having club meetings, Dave showed particular interest in providing club buys. Hopefully we will see this in the coming year (fingers crossed). Its a nice store with friendly workers who are well versed in the aquarium hobby. There are over 40 freshwater tanks, each one with its own filtration system. I have attached a few photos of the store. Check out their website at They also have a face book page. Jim Chitty
Nova Tropicals - 10 % off fish for paid club members
 content media
Aug 27, 2020
In News & Events
Just a heads up for those of you looking for new tanks. Just received a flyer from Pet Supplies Plus that they are now having their $1 a gallon tank sale till Sept 30. The following tanks are listed in their sale. 10 gallon 20 gallon long 20 gallon high and 29 gallon Jim Chitty
Jul 29, 2019
In News & Events
I have tried to log onto mygroupauctons for the past 3 days. I keep getting This site can’t be reached...connection timed out. Is anyone else having this problem?? Jim
Mar 07, 2019
In Chatter Box
Gary Lange was our guest speaker in May of 2018 and he had a lot of rainbow eggs for sale in the auction. So...who has had success in raising the fry and who has had success in spawning them?? I was able to get some Melanotaenia Herbertaxelrodi. eggs from that meeting. Fist time with rainbows and they are spawning like crazy! Who else????? Jim
Feb 01, 2019
In In The Tank
I ran across a youtube video on the DIY Fishkeepers (Joey) and remembered I had a commercial version of one of these about 15 years ago. It worked ..but it was a pain to keep properly running. So I had most of the parts and decided to make a few of them with a couple of modifications. Here is the link to the actual youtube Video. Here are the parts that I used and their approximate cost. Maxijet 600 power for around $18.00 1/2" CPVC pipe. You can get this at either Home depot or Lowe's. Lowe's has it in 5 foot sections for around $3.50. I also found it at home depot in 24" lengths for just under $2.00 Of course you can buy it in longer lengths. CPVC end cap $.25 CPVC 90 degree conection around $.60 Glass jars. 3 1/4 inch diameter and either 9 inches tall or shorter one just over 7inches for a whopping $1.00 at the "dollar store". Egg crate material Plastic wide mouth mason jar lids. Target has them 6 for $3.95. MOD 1 - The only modification was the lid. I did not like the plastic mesh that was shown in the video. I tired it..but it seem that it was not stable. I had to use a dremel tool to remove the threads on the lid as it was just a tad to small to fit over the glass jar. Mod 2 - I realized that the intake and water output were to close together. So I extended the intake as shown. I also did not like the was that the tube inside the glass container could shift against one side of the glass container if moved. So I built the following to hold it centered. I used the dremel tool again to carefully make a circular center that could slide onto the CPVC pipe and sit above the end cap. This mod apparently did not hamper water or sand flow. Basic construction was pretty much the same as the youtube video. The end cap had 4 1/4" holes drilled in it. The plastic lid had a 1/2" inch hole drilled in the center. Then the dremel tool was use to wide the hole slightly so that the 1/2" CPVC pipe could slide through. 8 1/4 inch holes were drilled in the perimeter of the lid. Final assembly looked like this. Here are some brief videos of filters... PROS Fluidized sand filters have a large surface area. Bacteria will coat the sand in 3 to 4 weeks and provide superior biological filtration. This would be great for the breeders in the club that have a high biomass (lots of fish) in grow out aquariums. I would use this type of filtration NOT as my main biological filtration...but to supplement my current filtration in my tanks. CONS Power failure! If you should lose electrical power for more that a few hours the bacteria will die. For me...luckily in the past 20 years I have only had 4 instances that we were without power for a significant amount of time. Possible overturning of filter. For one...the lid modification should keep most of the sand intack and two..the suction cups that come with this filter will hold this in place with out much trouble. Now how much should this handle?? Internet indicates that 1 pound of sand should handle around 100 gallons. Both these filters are currently using just over 1.5 lbs or 150 gallons. Joey stated that a pump with an out put of 100 gallons per hour should handle 1 pound of sand. He was right on the mark! Maxijet 600 used has an output of 160 gallons per hour and I am using just over 1.5 pounds. Now here are a couple of OTHER uses for powerheads. Most water bottle will fit over the intake. Cut off the bottom of the water bottle and attach it to the intake. Place some filter floss in and now you have a power filter. Turn it upside down...cut some slits in the top and have it at the surface of your aquarium and you now have a surface skimmmer! ( Great for people with duckweed problems..especially me.) For more information on this type of filtration..just google. "aquarium fluidized sand filter". If any questions....Don't hesitate to ask! Jim C.
DIY Fluidized Sand Bed (Biological Filter) content media


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