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Forum Posts
Jul 19, 2019
In News & Events
The dollar per gallon sale is going on at Petco. Recently purchased 10 tanks. SAle ends August 24th. Hope this news was helpful
May 05, 2019
In Introduce Yourself
Hi I’m Terry. I always want to join a fish club but I feel awkward around people I don’t know and its a bit far from home. I really enjoyed the speakers. The angel fish guy was great, and the goldfish guy was freaking awesome. Im personally not a fan of goldfish but after he was done I can definitely appreaciate the passion for what he does and I learned a number of things i didn‘t know before. I could listen to him talk for hours. I did win a raffle and picked some live daphnia but didn’t hang out for the auction cause I didn’t want to be tempted to buy stuff I am not prepared for. The temptation was quite high when I saw that beautiful nubius sell for 9 bucks. I’m not a big forum guy but I am so looking forward to the next meeting. Thank you for breaking my expectations
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