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Feb 08, 2025
In News & Events
Given the expected snow, sleet and freezing rain during and after tomorrow’s MAKO meeting, the February meeting is cancelled and will be rescheduled for another month in the future.
Feb 02, 2025
In News & Events
Hello All
I'm hosting the February MAKO meeting at my house in Centreville, VA
If you're interested in attending please RSVP via Member Chat and will send you my address.
11AM - arrival / social hour
12Noon - BBQ Pulled pork, hickory smoked (yes... it's really really good)
1PM - Business meeting followed by auction
There is a $7 per attendee fee to help offset the food expense.
David Snell aka In2Fish.
Dec 04, 2024
In Fish Mongers
Brand new. Still in shrink wrap
Hard to find 4th edition book by Christel Kasselman
PM if interested i can bring to Saturdays meeting

Dec 04, 2024
In Fish Mongers
Aquarium stand for 40 gallon tank or 30 breeder tank or any tank with a 36 x 18 base dimensions
Bought it and never put a tank on it
75/best offer
PM if interested. I can bring to Saturday's meeting

Sep 04, 2024
In Fish Mongers
Hello PVAS Members
I’m doing a little fishroom cleaning and have a few items to sell and will bring them to the Saturday’s PVAS meeting if members are interested.
(10) Mattenfilters / Poret Foam – approx. 10” x 11” x 2” 20ppi, they fit inside a 10gal tank, they used and will need cleaning and generally will last forever. They have cut slits about 1-2” (offset to the side of the foam) that supported jetlifters when I was running my tanks. Foam only, no jetlifters. $11/each
(5) JetLifters - 20mm diameter, 8” (NEW) selling at cost $11/each (you’re saving on shipping)
(2) Black 20ppi Cubefilter with small jetlifter (NEW), selling at cost $9/each (you’re saving on shipping)
PM if you’re interested
David Snell
May 27, 2024
In News & Events
Many at PVAS may not have know Clay, he's been to several of our CatCons and our twice yearly auctions. He passed away unexpectedly this past Friday. He's known mostly for his killies, and was a general hobbyist as well. He was a great friend to me and many others in the hobby. He will be missed.
Services details below.
From Clayton's family we want to say thank you for all the thoughts and prayers in this very tough time.
Clayton services are as follows
A Gathering of Family and Friends will be held on Tuesday May 28th, 2024 from 6pm until 8pm at Knoll-DeVoe Funeral Home and Cremation Service located at 142 West Washington Avenue, Washington, New Jersey, 07882 and again on Wednesday May 29th, 2024 from 9am until 10am. Following the visitation on Wednesday May 29th, 2024 at 10am a prayer service of remembrance will be held at the funeral home. Immediately following the prayer service Clay will be laid to rest at Lower Valley Cemetery in Califon, New Jersey.
We will be having a celebration of Clay's life with his family, friends and his many fish friends on June 8th at his home at 76 North Lincoln Ave. Washington NJ 07882.
We will start gathering at 11am with food following at noon. Please bring a chair.
This was the date that he was planning to have a picnic/meeting of his MAKO fish club so we all feel this is the best way to honor Clay by having the celebration of life along with his fish picnic.
His MAKO Fish Club will be having a presentation at 1pm and other club activities.
Feb 06, 2024
In News & Events
Hello All
if anyone is interested in killifish and wants to attend Saturday's MAKO meeting i'm hosting in Centreville, VA
Send me a message w/ your email address and I will send you the details.
Meeting starts at 11 am for the social hour, noon for the BBQ pulled pork lunch, and the general meeting begins at 1 pm followed by the auction.
Sep 03, 2023
In News & Events
Hello All
For those that attended the PVAS September monthly meeting, I let everyone know in attendence i'm headed down to Peru in October for about two weeks to partake in a part service trip and part ecotour to the Tapiche Jungle Reservce run by MT Expeditions ( ( for the benefit of Project Amazonas (
I try and bring down items to support Project Amazonas,and in prior trips I've hand carried a bunch of toothbrushes
My ASK - if you're going to the PVAS October Auction, please consider picking-up 1 or 2 adult and/or children's soft toothbrushes and bring them to the auction and I will be taking them down with me later in the month.
My dentist has hooked me up with two boxes of 24 tubes of toothpaste plus 6-8 toothbrushes
Sue Peterson (our membership chair) is sending me 100 toothbrushes, and I think another 48 tubes of toothpaste. THANK YOU SUE!!!
So... what do you say, what's 1-2 dollars at the Dollar Store for a couple toothbrushes...?
Apr 09, 2023
In Fish Mongers
Hello All I'm listing a number of FREE tanks for the spouse of a former PVAS member (Rick McKay) (3) 12" x 8.5" x 6"-- 2.5G Glass 24 x 11 x 14 Plexiglas ~ 16G (2) 24 x 12.5 x 12.5. - 15G Glass one has a lid and filter 20.5 x 12 x 10. 10G Glass I don't know the make/brand of the tanks or conditions (beyond being used tanks) Pickup location would be Vienna VA, close to Nottoway Park Send me a direct message and I will provide Carol's contact information. David
Feb 08, 2023
In News & Events
Hello PVAS members i'm hosting the monthly MAKO killifish meeting this Saturday, if you're interested in attending send me a message. Members starting arriving around 11am, food at Noon, monthly meeting/auction at 1PM. David
Jun 01, 2022
In Fish Mongers
Free to a good home - (55) Gal Acrylic tank and stand. The tank measures 47.5" x 19.5" x 13" For those of you that have been in the club for a number of years knew Rick McKay. He was a great longtime member who past away a few years back. He’s the guy who got me started as an Auctioneer. His wife Carol had been maintaining a number of tanks, and she is looking to off load some of them, starting w/ the 55 acrylic. As you can see the picture, the tank needs cleaning and polishing, but again it’s FREE. If you’re interested in the tank and stand, drop me a message and I will provide you with Carol's contact information so you can arrange for a pickup. David
May 03, 2022
In Fish Mongers
Hello All I have 4 100 gallon stock tanks 3 are Rubbermaid, the 4th brand is unknown. all are used in good shape, 3 have PVC ball values Asking $45/each Send me a PM if interested. Pickup would be Centreville, VA I don't have room in my car to get them to the PVAS meeting
Apr 14, 2021
In Fish Mongers
I have two more groups of tetras to offer: (6) LARGE Colombian tetra / Columbian tetra / blue red Colombian tetra, Hyphessobrycon columbianus $40/group (8) hyphessobrycon rubrostriatus / Red line tetra $40/group David
Apr 11, 2021
In Fish Mongers
Hello Tailgaters…. I have the following available. Please let me know if you’re interested so I know what to bring to the event Most items are limited stock, some very limit stock: Hypancistrus sp L333 Porto de Moz (yellow variety) ~1in $20/each, ~2in $40/each Corydoras diphyes – (4) adults $40/group Corydoras C123 -Yellow tale. Wild group of (5) $40/group. SOLD Corydoas knaacki /CW032) – 7 or 8 wild adults – I caught them in Peru, spawning group $50 Yellow Belly /Black Chin Cuban Livebearer (girardinus metallicus): $1/each (very few/ small. GONE Endler’s Livebearers $1/each. Blue Shrimp (off spring from Blue Dreams,, various shades of blue many very dark blue) 6/$25 (adult size) - SOLD Phoenix Tetra (Hemigrammus filamentosus) $5/each Tanichthys Kuehnei - Lemon/Yellow White Cloud Minnows, recently described, rare Tanichthys. $7/each about 1” (very limited qty) Danio tinwini (gold ring danio) – Group of 5/ $20. SOLD David Snell
Sep 29, 2020
In Fish Mongers
Hello All I have the following fish and items available for payment (cash) and pickup at the Great Fish Tailgate. Please contact me if you have questions – Email me before 5PM Saturday Hypancistrus sp L333 Porto de Moz (yellow variety) ~1in $20/each, ~2in $40/each (quantity discount for 5 or more if you preorder, message me if interested) Corydoras Panda – 1 group of 6 (mixed sexes) $25/group (SOLD) Yellow Belly /Black Chin Cuban Livebearer (girardinus metallicus): $3/each 1-1.5 inch+ Endler’s Livebearers $1/each. Blue Shrimp (off spring from Blue Dreams,, various shades of blue) 6/$25 (adult size) Riccia (a lot) $5 Taiwan Moss - $8/portion small fist Phoenix Tetra (Hemigrammus filamentosus) 6/$30 Apistogramma Cacatuoides / triple red line Spawning Pair, plus extra large male and two juveniles $30 for the group (SOLD) Tanichthys Kuehnei - Lemon/Yellow White Cloud Minnows, recently described, rare Tanichthys. $7/each about 1.5” Rephasy Igapo Explorer 12oz $25 only one available expires 4-2021 (new unopened) David Snell
Oct 26, 2019
In News & Events
As required by the PVAS Bylaws Article VI(B), as the PVAS Nominations Committee Chairperson I hereby put forward the following 2020 slate of candidates: Officers: · President: Patchin Curtis · Vice President: Raychel Upright · Treasurer: Michael Barber · Recording Secretary: Susan Peterson · Corresponding Secretary: Jacob Waters · Corporate Agent: David Snell Directors: 2020-2021 Term · Mark Kaprow · Jeanette Blumhagen Continuing 2019-2020 Director Positions (not up for election this year) · Don Kinyon · Bob Bock (appointed to serve the remaining term for Cindy Solis) Nominations for all open positions may still be put forward and will be taken from the floor at the PVAS general meeting to be held November 2nd, 2019. David Snell PVAS Nomination Chairperson
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