There’s not better way to be part of a club and get the benefits of club membership than to volunteer. The Potomac Valley Aquarium Society currently has the volunteer opportunities available:
Fish bags: Sell fish bags at monthly meetings on behalf of the club
Hospitality: Bring plates and napkins and ice (provided by the club) and sell pizza and beverages at meetings
Fish bagging station: Identify leaking fish bags, help sellers rebag and relabel their items at monthly meetings or at all-day auctions
Audio Visual: help set up and take down the projector, laptop, and speakers
MyGroupAuctions projection: during the monthly mini-auctions or all-day auctions project the item up for bidding
Social Media: take charge of creating a club presence on Twitter, tik tok, Instagram or other (we have facebook well-covered)
Bowl Show: Help Frank run the Bowl Show by helping members to set up and label their entries, count votes, and even serve as a judge
Auction runner: Serve as a runner at the monthly meeting mini-auctions and all-day auctions
Clerking: Help run registration, record sales, or check out at the all-day auctions
Lightning talks: Volunteer to give a 10-minute lightning talk
Knowledge sharing: Write an article for the website
Auctioneering: Volunteer to be an auctioneer. Every auctioneer had a first time, even David Snell
Catfish Convention: in October: all of the above and more!