Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Spring All-Day Auction tomorrow. Sellers are madly listing their items in MyGroupAuctions.
Don't forget that there will be a regular Tag Sale, so take a look around your fish room for any equipment or dry goods you'd like to move along and get them entered.
Sellers can avoid lines to print out labels by printing them out tonight. We don't accept hand-written labels at the All-Day Auctions as we do for the monthly mini-auctions. Your entered lots MUST have a VALID email address on them so that buyers or the Treasurer can contact you to resolve any issues. That means the email address you have entered in MGA must be current and valid. Same goes for your mailing address in MGA. Save yourself a big headache tomorrow by making sure your information in MGA is complete and accurate.
Any and all help is appreciated for setting up, taking down, and clerking. Please volunteer. Many hands make light work.
See you tomorrow!