Great news to share! The PVAS Foundation exceeded the $7,400 goal for the purchase of a parcel adjacent to the Santa Cruz Forest Reserve in the on the Mazan river in the Loretto District of Peru.
The section marked in white is the land purchased by the generous donations from supporters of the PVAS Foundation.
Thank You!

There is a donate button on the PVAS Home Page - just scroll down, if you go this route you will need to send an email to to advise how the funds are to be allocated. Another way is to write a check to the PVAS Foundation or give cash to the Treasurer at any meeting. Auction items can always be designated as a donation; however, please enter in the description field the recipient; otherwise the donation goes to the PVAS general fund.
How does one go about donating to the PVAS Foundation? Is it possible to designate proceeds from auction items to the foundation?
Hi Michael, Congratulations on meeting your fund-raising goal! It was definitely through your persistence, dedication, and hard work at the All-Day Auction. Cheers, Patchin
P.S. Tell Frank how easy it was to post a picture :)