November 12th Fish Swap Details - at Glen Allan Elementary School 12520 Heuric Road, Silver Spring, MD Click on this address to see the location on a map.
The earliest we can enter the school is noon. Vendors please be ready to set up at that time.
You can think of this event as a pop-up fish store with great tank-raised fish. Plus there will be plants and dry goods and probably some used aquariums. If you have fish or plants to sell or any aquarium equipment you want to sell, join us by getting a table.
Fish Swap will be open to buyers at 12:45 pm. Fish Swap will close at 4pm. WE MUST BE OUT of school building by 4:30pm sharp. (Sorry all, this is the school’s rules this year.) So we are hoping all vendors will close down their space quickly so we can all get out in time.
Vendor tables are 8' long. *** The tables are the school cafeteria style. Table and benches together. You remember those from school.
*** These tables fold out, so each folded section is 8' long. We are planning for two
vendors to an unfolded table. So, if you need more space, when ordering buy 2 spaces
to take an entire 16' table length.
EACH table space is $25.00 for paid members. $35.00 for non-CCA hobbyists. Click on this link to reserve a table: You could also join CCA and then the cost for the table is less. TO join CCA click on this link: