Tomorrow is our first monthly meeting of 2023. Mark Kaprow has graciously agreed to be our feature presenter. Mark's presentation is entitled "My Experiences Keeping and Breeding Tanganyikan Secretive Cave Spawners (aka Tanganyikan Rock Dwellers)".
There are already plenty of great fish, plants, and hard goods posted in MyGroupAuctions.
Also, review the post unveiling our 2023 Program, in case you missed some of the great upcoming events outside of our regular monthly meetings. Some of them, like the behind-the-scenes tour of the National Zoo's Amazonia Exhibit with Nick Little, or the NIH Zebrafish Facility Tour with Manuel Moro, have limits on the numbers of participants.
Happy New Year, Patchin
Meeting recap: 53 in attendance. Great first time talk by Mark. New members introduced. We resumed hospitality after a several year hiatus due to COVID. 135 items in the auction with commissions of $1,172.75 paid out to members.
Thank you to Kathryn Lawson and Chris Teem who (respectively) volunteered to be Hospitality Co-Host and conduct a financial Audit.
Need volunteers for the following functions as PVAS is only as good as we all make it:
Group Buys - best if two members volunteer and share this function
Fish Bags - sell them at meetings and keep inventory when certain sizes are running low. Please note: I will not be bringing bags to future meetings until we have one or two members taking on this role.