Our January meeting of the James River Aquarium Society will be on Thursday, January 22nd.
Meeting will start at 7:00 pm
Our speaker this month is Tony from 4Aquatics.
He will be presenting on his involvement in tropical fish, with speaking to us about his trips to Asia, and the contacts he has made there,,,
also his progressive involvement with bringing in quality bloodlines of guppies and bettas to spread around the hobby.
Tony graduated from VCU and has lived in Virginia for 15 years. He started out loving saltwater aquariums. Tony had a lot of fun keeping a reef tank, but then Covid happened. During that time, there was an explosion in the South East Asia area in show guppy and betta variations, Tony fell in love with them all over again. He has been keeping and breeding guppies, mollies, and bettas for over 2 years now.
Tony will have a few fish for sale after the meeting. If you are interested in Tony bringing anything as a presale. Please visit his facebook page and reach out to him via facebook messenger. His link is below:
We will be holding a MINI AUCTION , after the lectures, so bring in your goods for the auction.
As usual, folks that want to meet for dinner at the Mexico Restaurant before the meeting are welcome to attend. Members get there about 5:30 pm.
Please note: The new location of Logo Advantage, 8055 Mechanicsville Turnpike, just a block down from the old location, (just across from the post office).
Thank you,
James River Aquarium Society Communications
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