The September meeting is almost upon us and many are getting excited at the prospect of hearing Charles Clapsaddle, owner of Goliad Farms, speak about his hatchery operations. Charles is especially known for his work rearing livebearers and African cichlids.
We are planning a number of activities with Charles, and club members in good standing (read, paid-up dues) are welcome to join us.
Friday, September 6
2:30 pm Visit to Glen Echo Park Aquarium with guided tour by Nick Kinser ($7 general admission, see their website for details)
6:00 pm Potluck hamburger cookout at Michael Barber's house. Limit is 20 people. If you would like to attend please respond to this forum posting with the number in your party (spouses and children are always welcome) and the dish you will be bringing. We'll email Michael's address directly to those who have responded.
Saturday, September 7
am Possible fishroom visit before the meeting. Stay tuned.
5:00 pm Dinner with the speaker at El Coyote Grill
NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE: Instead of our usual post-meeting meal at Red, Hot & Blue, we will be trying El Coyote Grill on Main Street in Fairfax instead. Hope to see you there.
I'll be attending pot luch @ Mike's. :-)