What's on your wish list?
Check out MyGroupAuctions.com for the latest on the fish, shrimp, and plants galore on offer at the Fall All-Day Auction this coming Sunday, October 3. 200 items and counting. Here's a smattering of what's available.
Red Line Caridina Shrimp
Tangerine Tiger Shrimp
Red Galaxy Fishbone Shrimp
Orange-eye Royal Blue Tiger Shrimp
Corydoras (as always, a splendid selection)
Brochis splendens
Corydoras aeneus 'Bronze Cory'
Corydoras knaacki 'Morse Code'
Corydoras oiapoquensis
Corydoras panda 'Panda'
Corydoras paleatus 'Peppered Cory'
Corydoras caudimaculatus
Corydoras duplicareus
Corydoras schultzi 'Black'
Corydoras sipalwini
Corydoras sterbai
Corydoras trilineatus 'Leopard Cory'
Corydoras weitzmani
Corydoras CW009 'Green Laser'
Corydoras CW014 'Orange Stripe'
German Blue Rams
African Butterfly Cichlid
Leopard Skin Discus
Snakeskin Discus
Widefin Blue Angelfish
Firemouth cichlids
Pseudotropheus demasoni
Labetropheus fuelleborni 'Blue Marmalade"
Rainbow cichlids
Apistogramma eremnopyge
Apistogramma panduro
Apistogramma "Fire Red"
Neolamprologus tetracanthus
Nicaragua cichlid
Albino Eureka Red Peacoc
Bristlenose Ancistrus galore (albino, super red, yellow spots)
Ancistrus L509 'Madre de Dios'
Hypancistrus L333 King Tiger Pleco
L134 Leopard Frog Pleco
L397 Pleco
L509 Ancistrus cf megalostomus
Yellow Spot Ancistrus
Hillstream loaches
Panda garra
Tank Busters
Silver Dollar
Redtail Tinfoil Barb
Redhook Silver Dollar
Cuban Cichlid
Schooling Fish & Others
Coral Red Pencilfish
Lampchop rasbora
Cherry barbs
Fantail Goldfish
Rosy danios
African Butterfly Barbs
Tanichthys kuehnei (Vietnamese Mountain Minnows)
Penguin tetras
Black Neon Tetras
Blue Wag Platys
Red Wag Platys
Red Velvet Swordtails
Black Velvet Swordtails
Pygmy swordtails
Blonde Double Sword Guppies
Heterandria formosa
Bluetail goodeids
Xenotoca lyonsi
Neon Swordtails
Black Swordtails
Xenotoca doadrioi
Albino Red Delta-Tailed Guppies
Pseudomugil gertrudae
Wapoga Red Laser Rainbowfish
Red Orange Rainbowfish
That was a great auction! Lots of interesting fish at reasonable prices. Thanks to everyone who volunteered to do all the work required!