January 14th at Glenallan Elementary School – 12520 Heurich Road, Silver Spring, MD
Meeting from 12:30-4:30 pm Meeting room opens at 12 pm.
Speaker – SHANE B. ZAW-WIN
Our newest and youngest Board Member and Cichlid keeper. Shane will give his presentation on “THE ADVENT to MADNESS”. He has kept over 100 kinds of fish, spawned over 20 species and now is a freshman in college. Shane is the next generation of top-notch fish keepers! We will get to hear how he began his fish journey and his obsession with all things related to cichlids and more! After his presentation Shane will do a live demo on how to create a “Naturalistic and Functional Scape”!
You don’t want to miss this great meeting to kick off the new year!
We will have raffles from Swiss Tropicals and Sera!
And there will be a mini-auction. Go to mygroupauctions.com to enter your items in the auction or to see what is already there.
The CCA BOD will hold a special election during the Saturday February 11, 2023 monthly meeting to fill three vacancies: President, Treasurer, and one Member-At-Large position.
Our current president has also been doing the treasurer’s job and has decided to resign but will stay on until the new office holders can take over.