We now have 6 sponsors who sponsoring the classes indicated below!!!!!
Finally we are going to have a BOWL SHOW again. I love to see the large variety of fish shown. Many of them are mature fish, not the young ones sold in the fish stores, so you will see most of the fish all grown up.
If you want or can sponsor a BOWL SHOW Class or Award, please do so. Go to https://www.pvas.com/forum/news-events/bowl-show-awards-for-2022-call-for-sponsors for information on how much and how to do it.
I hope you can bring at least one fish to the BOWL SHOW so you will the full experience of the show. Learning to successfully show fish can help you to become a better aquarium hobbyist. In other post which I will make in the next week or so, I will provide information about how to prepare your fish for the show and how to transport the fish. I will also post about registration: no preregistration required.
So you can think about what fish and/or invertebrates to enter, here are the CLASSES for the PVAS 2022 BOWL SHOW:
1. ANGELFISH sponsored by James Chitty
2. DWARF CICHLIDS (rams, apistos, small Africans, [max 4 inches]
3. ALL OTHER CICHLIDS sponsored by Carol Cowherd
4. CORY CATFISH (corys, brochis, and apistodoras …
5. SUCKERMOUTH (ancistrus, plecos, …sponsored by Linus Chen
6. ALL OTHER CATFISH (synodontis, …
7. SHRIMP [Must have at least 3 shrimp in each entry, max 6 shrimp] [shrimp bowls can have a small piece of mesh or plant in each bowl]
8. LIVEBEARERS (swords, platys, guppies, variatus) sponsored by Manuel Moro
[Livebearers must be shown in pairs]
9. SCHOOLING FISH (tetras, rasboras, danios, rainbows …sponsored by Patchin Curtis
[Must have at least 5 fish in each entry]
10. ANABANTOIDS (bettas, gouramis …sponsored by Shawn Michanco
11. GOLDFISH AND KOI AND OTHER POND FISH sponsored by Frank Cowherd
12. KILLIFISH [Must be shown in pairs]
13. ALL OTHER FISH (natives and oddball fish …sponsored by Aquatic Life Farm, LLC
14. ODDBALL INVERTEBRATES (crayfish, snails, etc.)
Frank, PVAS BOWL SHOW chairman
What category would Medaka Ricefish be in?