Awhile back I bought a group of what were sold as X. doadrioi, however at the latest monthly meeting I purchased some X. doadrioi Etzatlan and noticed the two groups looked a bit different. The male of the original group seems to lack the gold band of the X. doadrioi Etzatlan and the female seems to have a larger hump on her back and lacks spotting. Does anyone know if they are different species or just different localities?

Male doadrioi should all have the gold band unless they are very unhappy. Based on your photos I would guess they are either eiseni or lyonsi (very difficult to tell apart by sight). Feed them good and keep them clean with water changes and see if they change and gold shows up on the males. It is very important to always include collection data when passing on fish if you have it,
Without more or better photos, it is not easy to give you a reliable answer. My best guess would be that this is a female with some health problems. See if you can get a profile shot.
I have never seen a female with any red on the tail. That looks odd to me. Ask John Mangan. He's the master of all things Goodeid. I traded some fish with him years back, and produced 80+ fry from 8x starter colony. Only my males had color. I believe the ones I acquired from him were from the Etzatlan collection point. They're just little pools of water a handful of miles apart. Most of us have been breeding them in captivity for decades now.