I'm glad to report that a pair of Thorichthys meeki or the firemouth cichlids were found spawning in my 40 gallon breeder. We originally had a reverse trio (2 males & 1 female). The dominant male and the female bonded and began to beat on the less dominant male. When we discovered this, we removed the less dominant male and returned him to our LFS where we had bought him. Only hours later did we discover that during dinner the pair, still in the 40, spawned under the roof of one of the shells that we put in there. Here are a couple pictures overviewing the experience:

If the parents are successful in raising the fry we will have a full BAP video coming out on this forum as well as my YouTube channel (Fish Folk).
<Ben (Fish Folk)>
Firemouth fry have hatched! Parents closely guarding. A few are nearly free-swimming. Female finds those who violate "stay-at-home" order, and returns to nest . . .