We used to have these and loved them. The shop we visited yesterday had a phenomenal tank full and they were in full "take me home" mode, schooling back and forth. Looking at the requirements for them, I am finding quite a few that state the water hardness should be between 2-6 but some have it up to 12. Shooting for final dKH of 8 because we must have clown loaches. So...... Does anyone have a reason I shouldn't keep them together and do you think 8dKH is going to be a problem for the tetras?
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It will probably be in a few months before we get them, want the tank to mature more. First fish in will be my gouramis this weekend. Hoping these plants in there now take off. It is looking so nice already. Holding off on the pics until it is more established, though. :-)
They are awesome tetras and school beautifully. I am working on a a Diamond tetra biotope.
Won't be a problem unless you want them to breed.