Hello PVAS community!
Just wanted to share a current project. Recently purchased 6 Toothpick Fish (Indostomus paradoxus) from Dan’s Fish. So far so good! Feeding them live baby brine every other night and it is fascinating to watch them eat/hunt! They’re currently in a 20L that is DENSELY planted with rocks and wood to hide out in. I was surprised how territorial they are to each other, especially during feedings. It seems all of them have settled in to their own designated parts of the tank.
Question to the community here:
any recommendations on literature on these guys. Goal is it better understand breeding habits and how to determine male vs female (if possible)
anyone have personal experience with these fish? Would love to hear your about it!
Had a couple of different species many years ago. Males have a little more color in the fins. Kept mine in a 5 gallon tank so it was easier for them to find food. Never saw any aggression. If I remember right they breed in small caves like a pvc tube. Would love to try them again.