Last Sunday, I bought the bag of Nannostomus beckfordi donated by The Wet Spot. I put them in a five gallon quarantine tank, intending to move them to a bigger tank in a few weeks. This morning, I saw two of the fish doing head stands together. On a closer look, I think I saw an egg. Sorry for the dirty glass and distant video, but I didn't want to disturb them.
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No sign of fry, nine days later. Maybe they ate the eggs before I moved them?
I’ll keep trying.
Way cool! Sure looks like spawning behavior to me. Like the waiting strategy. Fingers crossed you start to see 'glass shards' soon.
I moved the adults out Sunday, the day after I saw the possible spawning behavior. Now is the hardest part -- waiting. Listening to Tom Petty is good, though.
Very cool, Matt: congratulations! Thanks for posting the video- be sure and give progress reports as well.