Hi Ben, very exciting to see you taking on Rasboras. Did they scatter eggs or lay them on the underside of leaves? I've been breeding a pair of Sawbwa resplendens (aka Asian Rummynoses) but haven't submitted for BAP points yet because I haven't had a 'batch' of 10 or more fry. They lay their semi-adhesive eggs on the undersides of floating plants. The fry are miniscule like yours and must be separated from the parents quickly before becoming snacks. Really hope you can raise these guys to adulthood. It's always so tricky with such small fry. Sometimes I have losses when I don't realize that the fry have outgrown one size food and need the next one up.
Hi Ben, very exciting to see you taking on Rasboras. Did they scatter eggs or lay them on the underside of leaves? I've been breeding a pair of Sawbwa resplendens (aka Asian Rummynoses) but haven't submitted for BAP points yet because I haven't had a 'batch' of 10 or more fry. They lay their semi-adhesive eggs on the undersides of floating plants. The fry are miniscule like yours and must be separated from the parents quickly before becoming snacks. Really hope you can raise these guys to adulthood. It's always so tricky with such small fry. Sometimes I have losses when I don't realize that the fry have outgrown one size food and need the next one up.