Hello All,
The group buy for June will be from Swiss Tropicals which sells a variety of poret foam filters and matten filters, as well as fish food and other dry goods. Please remember the group buy is for PVAS members only. If you are not yet a member and would like to become one you may do so here: https://www.pvas.com/join
For more information about what is available from Swiss Tropicals please visit the company's website here: http://www.swisstropicals.com/
****Swiss Tropicals will not be shipping between 5/23/19 and 5/28/19. As a result the Swiss Tropicals Group buy will be postponed, most likely this Group Buy will now be for September. I will update with the new cutoff date information as soon as it is available. ****
Orders or questions pertaining to this order may be placed in this thread or you may contact me via email at redupright@gmail.com
My understanding is that there will not be a group order from ST in June? and it is going to be in Sept?