Hi! I'm selling some dry goods, fish, and plants this Sunday at the GWAPA table. Please stop by and support the local aquatic plant club...
GWAPA will also bring a big box of manzanita wood!
1 gallon container of Red Eco-Complete/Gravel Mix $5
5 gallon bucket of Aquarium Gravel $10
5 gallon bucket of Black Eco-Complete/HydroBall Mix $10 (sold)
5 gallon bucket of Fluorite/Laterite Mix $10 (sold)
(1/2 to 3/4) of a 5 gallon bucket of HydroBall $10 (sold)
Corner Waterfall (needs pump) $5 (sold)
55 gallon Tank (no leaks last time used 2 years ago) $20 (sold)
Penn-Plax Automatic Fish Food Feeder $10
Unopened SeaChem Acid Buffer pH 5.0 to 8.0 $5
48" 2 bulb Current USA T5HO Light (needs new ballast) $10
48" 2 bulb Current USA T5HO Light $20 (sold)
12" 2 bulb Catalina Aquarium
Compact Fluorescent Light $20
12" 1 bulb JBJ Compact Fluorescent Light $10
36" Hagen Flora-Glo T8 30 W bulbs (2available) $10 each
24" Hagen Flora-Glo T8 20 W bulb $5
17" SunPaq Compact Fluorescent bulb $5
9" Coralife Compact Fluorescent 18W bulb $5
PLANTS (I will have multiple bags of most plants, so even if it has # taken, I have more. I list it as sold out if I don't have any more!!!)
Proserpinaca palustris (some emersed growth) (sold out) $5 (2 taken)
Easy plant with serrated, dark green leaves
Gets reddish leaves with CO2, ferts, and high light

Bacopa caroliniana $5
Easy plant with lime green leaves
Gets pinkish-red leaves with CO2, ferts, and high light

Pogostemon gayi $5
Easy, grassy looking plant with dark green leaves
Gets reddish-orange leaves with higher light

Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia $5 (1 taken)
Easy plant with lime green leaves

Cryptocoryne wendtii "Green Gecko" $5 (1 taken)
Easy plant with bright green leaves and red veins and stems

Cryptocoryne affinis "Metallic Red" $5 (3 taken)
Easy plant with dark green leaves and deep red undersides

Bolbitis heudelotii "Small Form" $10 (4 taken)
Easy plant to grow low to high light
Doesn't grow more than 6 inches

Vallisneria spiralis "Tiger" (sold out) $5 (3 taken)
Easy, tall plant with green leaves and "stripes"
Great for tall tanks

Sagitarria subulata (sold out) $5 (2 taken)
Easy, grassy plant with short green leaves
Great foreground plant collected in Southern Virginia

Microsorum pteropus "Windelov" $10
Java fern with leaves that fork at the end

Salvinia minima $5
Easy, floating plant
Great for ponds and fry

Rotala rotundifolia $5 (1 taken)
Easy plant with green leaves
Tops get pink with higher light

Anubias barteri $5 (2 taken)
Easy plant with dark green leaves
Attaches to wood and rocks

Anubias barteri "Nana" $5
Just like A. barteri, just smaller!
Girardinus metallicus $5/pair
Cuban livebearer with black chinstrap

Girardinus falcatus $5/pair
Cuban livebearer with yellow body

I made some 0.5" x 0.5" x 0.25" cubes of Repashy $5/bag (50 cubes)
"Meat Pie", "Spawn and Grow", and "Soilent Green".
Just drop them in your tank and feed your fish.

Also, Viktor from GWAPA will have these items for sale at the GWAPA table too...
Bolbitis heudelotti (a ton of it)
Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia
Cryptocoryne wendtii
Echinodorus 'Kleiner Prinz'
Hemianthus glomeratus
Hygrophila araguaia
Hygrophila corymbosa 'Angustifolia'
Ludwigia repens 'Red'
Nymphaea lotus ‘Red’
Nymphoides cristata 'Taiwan' plantlets
Salvinia sp.
Vallisneria sp.
Vallisneria nana
Brachyrhaphis roseni (Someone is getting some already, so I will have pregnant females for sure, but I'm not 100% about having males left. If someone wants a couple of pregnant females, I can give them for free.)
Panda guppies
Xenophallus umbratilis $12 for 6 juvies (I have 2 batches)
Xiphophorus pygmaeus $12 for 6 juvies (I have one batch)
Ok that sounds good, thanks!
Hello, I’d like to preorder for DeVontae:
- Bacopa Caroliniana (x1)
- Sagitarria Subulata (x1)
- Anubias Barteri (x1)
- Repashy Soilent Green (x1)
I'd also like to grab Cryptocoryne affinis "Metallic Red" x 2 Salvinia minima x 1 Girardinus metallicus pair x 2
1 bag of "Spawn and Grow" cubes 1 bag of "Meat Pie" cubes 1 bag of "Soilent Green" cubes
Is it possible to let Viktor know that I'd like the pregnant females of the Brachyrhaphis roseni, 1 batch of Xenophallus umbratilis and 1 batch of Xiphophorus pygmaeus?
I'll also take the 5 gallon bucket of Fluorite/Laterite Mix.
I'd love a bag of the Proserpinaca palustris.
If you still have the bucket of ecocomlete black, ball mix I will take that and some of the bolbitus
What are the price on these:
Brachyrhaphis roseni
Xenophallus umbratilis
Xiphophorus pygmaeus
Please cancel Meat Pie from my order. I'll take Spawn and grow and Soilent Green. Thank you.
I would like to buy 1 bag each of Meat Pie, Spawn and Grow, and Soilent Green
Can I please get some small form bolbitis if you have any left?
Arlene, my neighbor wants some plants, too:
x1 each of the Metalic Red crypt, Tiger val, & Dwarf sag.
and Cryptocoryne wendtii, thanks, christina
Hi Arlene,
Could I buy some bolbitis and sagitarria?
Can you save me some rotala routundifolia?
Btw, know anyone w/ A. barteri "coffeefolia"?
I'd like:
Tiger val x2,
Anubius barteri x2,
Kkeiner Prinz sword x1,
& Metalic Red crypt x2.
Thank you!!!
I'll take the Corner Waterfall
Small form Bolbitis please