I am looking for someone that has a good culture of red wigglers,, (no mixed worms... simply the small red wigglers)
I need a starter, as my culture crashed.... I plan on going to the tailgate sale... if you have some please let me know what it would cost and if you can bring them to the sale.
do you have any plans on coming down to Richmond for the JRAS tag sale?
I have to mention (embarassed) that the starter you gave me didn't get into my new tub fast enough. Sunday after the pvas sale,when i got home, I tore my meniscus, and was incapacitated, and have been since sunday, so i didn't have a chance to make a new worm culture. If you are not coming down but know someone that is and can give them the starter for me i would greatly appreciate it.
i am so sorry for asking again but life got in the way and truthfully, my fish have been at the bad end of my not getting around much before today....
let me know If this doesn't work out i suppose we can plan on another time down the road.