Due to life changes, I have to cut the fishroom in half.
Humpback Limias - Daniken Aquatics line. Former Pres. Of The Greater Portland Aquarium Society
Beautiful Livebearers. 30 for the colony. 20 plus fish. SOLD
Misc. Angels - 5 dollars each. Good size.
Geophagus Brasiliensis. 4 dollars a piece. 3 inches to 5 inches.
Rhadinocentrus Ornatus Teewah Creek- 4 males 2 female. 10 dollars for all - Sold
Super red plecos - all sizes, 5 each. Beautiful fish.
San Marcos Goodeids - 1 male several females. 6-7 fish. 15 follars for all. SOLD
Lyonsi Goodeids - small colony 8 plus fish 15 dollars for all. SOLD
Lake Ayintino Bosemani Rainbow - 2 males 3 females 15 dollars for all
Ginga Sulpherues guppy colony. 10 dollars...lots of fish...gorgeous! SOLD
Blue steele Apistos- 4 fish 15 for all
L243 yellow zebra plecos - 2 beautiful fish. 10 each
L397 plecos - 20 each...good size.
Red Hump Geophagus pair - 15 dollars

Please dm or email at colorguppies@gmail.com
If those Blue Steele Apistos are still available I would gladly take them off your hands.
I am interested in the Bosemani Rainbow fish.
I will take the steel blue Apistogrammas are you coming to Saturday meeting?
I would love to get your Rhadinocentrus ornatus. Are you going to be at the PVAS meeting on Saturday?
Interested in the 2 of the L-397... where would I pick up?
On the L243, planet Catfish lists them as peckolita. Doesn't seem to be the same as what you have pictured?