Ready to adoption in about 2 weeks to keepers with cycled tanks and species appropriate parameters- contactless pick up:
Neolamprologus multifasciatus juveniles
Blue panda guppy fry
For trade: blue dream shrimp (looking for 1 or 2 adult female honey gourami that can stand up to a large male that chases sporadically and is a glutton, but otherwise non-aggressive). I’m willing to part with 5-10 from my colony). I have been lax in culling these lately and they still breed fairly true!
I can also throw in some extra plants that are destined to be thrown out otherwise:
Water spangles
Small amounts of guppy grass and frogbit
See pics below and start a conversation with me if interested-because of my work schedule these will be available for pickup in late January (after the 21st).
Pm sent