I don't have enough space to keep them all. I am especially wanting to find the right home for the discus. He may be wild-caught, and he is used to eating only frozen bloodworms and won't accept anything else from me so far. I really don't have have the space or the funds to keep him happy in this way. He is right now in a 55-gallon tank with a group of angels and Congo tetras, but I would prefer he go to a home of at least 75 gallons with an experienced discus keeper.
I am also looking for good homes for the two grey and black, barred angels shown here, as well as possibly a few of the others (koi or platinum).
I also have an albino bristlenose pleco and possibly a larger albino pleco (someone has tentatively already expressed interest in him) who need homes. Also two large mollies (black and orange) that I would be VERY appreciative if someone could take.
Please let me know if you might be interested in providing a good home for these fish. I would gladly accept low-tech plants, certain fish (please ask about what you have to offer, but I am right now looking for kubotai rasbora), or donations in trade. Thanks.
I am having trouble uploading pictures (have reduced them to 3" .jpg and still won't accept) and would welcome suggestions.
I can take the discus if nobody takes it. I have two discus that eats bloodworms and beefheart everyday.
I would be happy to give the angels, mollies or pleco a good home if they still need it. Are they paired up? You can email me at mt65123@gmail.com
Let me know if you can't find homes. I have over 30 tanks. I currently have discsus and have bred them many times.
Do you know what you water conditions are?
Currently feed my discus the following.. frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, live daphnia magna, cut up live red wiggler earth worms, Freeze dried tubifex worms, etc.
Do you have pics of the angels? Are they paired or is there agression between them? Please PM me at skanda@tideh2o.net
Would be happy to provide home for Angel Fish. I have a 75 gallon with softwater.
I have Vals, Anubias, Rciia Fuutans for Trade
To clarify, you don't need to have anything to trade, although low tech plants would be greatly appreciated if you have any. Please just be able to provide an excellent home for these fish.