I would like to get back into the hobby and am looking for a used 55 gallon tank that does not leak and has an intact crossbar. However, I am hoping to get a very inexpensive deal if possible, as I am financially challenged. I have a 55 gallon now that does not leak, but the crossbar is cracked partway through. It would be suitable for use as a reptile tank if anyone wanted it, or as a fish tank if you are good at repairs.
Thank you very much in advance for any ideas about finding a bargain. I have been watching Craigslist but would be interested to know if there are any other forums that I should be watching.
You can use tools to take off the old frame. Like a saw or hacksaw to cut the frame in places which will make it easier to get off. Just work slowly. I'd lay the saw flat against the glass at the ends and saw up to remove that part of the frame. (or turn the tank upside down so you could saw in down in a normal manner.)
I'd probably use a chisel for some of the removal since it works well, but it is sharp and can be dangerous if you have not used one before. Make sure to keep all fingers and hands and arms behind the chisel. A chisel is much better than a knife, IMO. Once the frame is off, clean off any glue with a razor blade scraper.
Good luck.
You should probably google "remove frame from an aquarium" there are lots of videos.
The hot knife thing looks easy but may be smelly and does involve a very hot knife.
You have to decide what works best for you.
You can get replacement plastic frames. https://www.aquariumframeswholesale.com/48-x-12-frame. . and there are other places. Possibly That Fish Place. https://www.thatpetplace.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAm5viBRD4ARIsADGUT2484d8gZ_JCGb-WqQn2ciWJ8sy9I1SFIb7jEpVU9WJvBniIZl8c4_4aAqmvEALw_wcB.