Looking for black worms, micro worms, daphnia and anything else that Clown Killifish and Malabar Pea Puffers can eat.
nmangold5dSpawning Report: Pseudomugil Luminatus Red Neon Blue Eye RainbowfishLikeReactions00 comments0Views
UptownJan 12Looking for juvenile community tank centerpiece fish and aquatic plants for driftwoodLikeReactions02 comments2Views
bladder snails are also another good option.
My pea puffer has been taking frozen brine pretty reliably when I am out of Daphnia and black worms. I use a Turkey baster to feed 1/2 at a time until she decides she is full, rest of the defrosted block goes to other tanks after.
been to Centreville Aquarium so many times looking for this but no luck.
Centreville aquarium gets Live blackworms occasionally. Call and ask
Frank Cowherd (Aquatic Life Farms) has microworm and daphnia. google aquatic life farms and email him from his website.