Due to a family situation involving me having to sell my house and move in the near future, I need to rehome most of my fish, tanks, plants and equipment. I am giving these items away, but whoever wants them needs to help me bag the fish and break down the tanks (especially bag the fish - my weak point).
These tanks, fish, and equipment are all under a year old. The 45 was set up last September and the 20L was set up in December.
I am heartbroken over having to do this. I am hoping there's a fellow club member out there looking to enlarge their fish room with two free, fairly new, complete setups plus a quarantine tank, and give a nice home to my fish, for the price of helping catch them and breaking down the tanks.
Aqueon 45 gallon with glass lid, stand, heater, sponge filter w/air stone and USB nano pump, HOB, light, black aquarium gravel substrate. Tank dimensions 36Wx12Lx24H
Harlequin rasbora - 19
Otocinclus catfish - between 2 and 6
Blue bolt caridina shrimp - at least 2
Flora and decor:
Amazon swords, several stem plants, 2 crypts, Java moss, driftwood, rocks, fake tree stump
Aqueon 20L with glass lid, stand, heater, sponge filter w/air stone and USB nano pump, HOB, light, natural pea gravel substrate with some aragonite.
Dwarf emerald danio (danio erythromicron) (aka dwarf emerald rasbora) - approximately 30 adults and juveniles
Firecracker guppies (purchased from Fish Folk Aquatics) - 1 mama and fry (currently 8)
Yellow dwarf neocaridina shrimp - 50-ish
Flora and decor:
Dwarf aquarium lily, crypts, Java fern, Java moss, marimo moss balls, driftwood, coconut hut, shrimp cave, fake cave
Aqueon 10-gallon with glass lid (notch cut out for HOB), HOB - empty and cleaned out (was quarantine tank)
Thanks for all the responses - someone will be picking up everything.
PS--do you have/need fish bags?
I'm in Chantilly, VA. I have room for all 19 Harlequins, Dwarf Emeralds, too, in my 100g tub pond. Come fall, they'd be moved into my 55g planted w/ my Peruvian "Altum" Angels & Black Neons. 😊
I am free this afternoon and tomorrow. Can help you get everything broken down quickly. I can home the animals until the next PVAS event.
To add, I'm located in Falls Church
Where are you located? I can take/help bag the shrimp. I've already got a 20L with a colony of yellow shrimp that can take more. I've got a school of otos that can also use a few new friends. I can also use the java Fern and caves (def would be nice for my apistos). I don't need the other fish and plants but can definitely home them if that makes it easier for you, I've got a number of tanks set up in my fish room and can make space for them. Just let me know if I can help 🙂
So sorry you have to do this.
Where are you located? I'm happy to help, although I don't need any tanks, but would love some danio erythromicron. I'm in DC, near Silver Spring. I don't love bagging fish, but I'm happy to help you.
I am in Silver Spring and have space for fish and shrimp ( currently a 55 gallon with just guppies ) and a 30 gallon free for for more robust fish. Do you want to take you tanks with you so you can start over when you move?
I am in Silver Spring and have space for fish and shrimp ( currently a 55 gallon with just guppies ) and a 30 gallon free for for more robust fish. Do you want to take you tanks with you so you can start over when you move?
I sent you a message
Where are you located? I can help you break down tanks and bag fish if you're not too far. I don't have space for more tanks, but my outdoor ponds are fairly empty right now and the tanks will be easier for you to sell/give away if you've got the fish and plants out.