I am going to be moving and need to reduce my fishroom until I get resettled. I have quite a few fish I need to find homes for. Below is a list of most of what I have:
Ataeniobius toweri, Anteojitos
Zoogoneticus purhepicus, Laguna de Magdelana
Xenotoca eiseni, Nayarit at Manantal el Sacristan, col by RR Miller 1955, this population was used for the description of the species.
Xenotoca sp, Mintzita
Xenotoca melanosoma, Achales, Rio Ayuaquila, El Grullo, Jalisco
Xenotoca lyonsi
Zoogoneticus tequils
Ilyodon furcidens
Ameca splemdens, Rio Teuchitlan, Jalisco, col by RR Miller 1966
Heterandria formosa
Gold sparkle ricefish
Ruby Red Swordtails
Blue Panda Guppy
Silver Veil Angel Pair
Large Silver Angels, some veil some regular fin
Skunk botias
Lemon tetras
Endler's Livebearer, Cumana VZ
LF Bristlenose
Betta "binalatung"
Lg Silver Dollars, the group has breed several times, need a home with at least a 70 gallon tank
Rhodsia altipinna
Neolamprologus pulcher
Neon Swordtails
Limia islai
Epiplatys annulatus
Guppies - several strains
Labeotrophus fuelleborni pair
2 XL Synodontis, different species but I don't know what
Also tanks, stands, filters, lights, angle iron rack, plus LOTS of asst small stuff
Located in Gaithersburg, MD
interested in :Betta , small asorted things, lights stands ,ect. How does one arrange to view? Thank You. :-)