I will have the following fish available for sale at the Tailgate sale.
please send your order through this list, and you can pay for your item on Sunday (cash)
For those who saw about 6 other listings here earlier, they were Marty Verdery's fish
She asked me to pull her fish as she had logistic problems with getting to me to take up.
She wanted me to let everyone know that she will have these fish available at the JRAS
tag sale later this month in Richmond...
please make your order by Saturday at 5 PM....
Please conatact me if you have questions. davidsombachphoto@gmail.com
Blue Daisy Rice Fish ( Oryzias woworae) 5/$40
Long Finned White Clouds (Tanichtys albonubes) 5/$40
Blue Emperor Tetras (Impaichthys kerri) 5/$40
Normans Lampeye (Poropanchax normanii) 5/$30
Gold Gardneri Killifish (Fundulopanchax gardneri gold) $12 pair
Tank raised Zebra Plecos 1 1/4" -1 1/2" $150 each
L-90 Pleco (Panaque Bathyphyllus) 8-10" $90. each
Guppy Grass (najas) $10 bag
Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) $8 bag
Salvinia Minima $5 golf ball size portion
Salvinia Molesta $5 golfball size portion
Christmas Moss $10 golfball size portion
Red Nymphea lilly $8 each
David Sombach