DAPHNIA AND FISH available for delivery to PVAS mtg on Sept. 7, 2019
Please respond in a reply below with questions or what you want me to bring to the meeting.
Or contact me at aquaticlifefarm@gmail.com
All fish and cultures are home grown, tank raised.
Daphnia is $5 a bag.
Microworm culture in a plastic box is $5. A starter amount of an old culture is available free to PVAS members. Please ask for the free microworm starter.
Vinegar eel culture is $5 for a culture in a plastic box and includes a harvesting sponge.
Instructions are available with purchase of any of the above cultures if you provide an email
address by sending a note to me at aquaticlifefarm@gmail.com
Red cherry shrimp are $15 for a group of 20 +.
Orange australe killifish $10 a pair
Rocket killies (E annulatus) $8 a pair
German blue rams $15 a pair.
All angelfish are between a quarter and silver dollar size.
Silver angelfish are $5 each.
Black lace angels are $7 each.
Black velvet angelfish are $10 each.
Lamprologus Gold Ocellatus (F2) (Lake Tanganyikan shell dwellers) are $20 each. Probable pairs are available.
Chindongo demasoni are $5 each for fish that are about 2 inches Adults are available for $10 each.
Corydoras aeneus (bronze corys) are $5 each
Corydoras sp CW010, Gold Laser Cory are $10 each
Corydoras oiapoquensis are $8 each
Corydoras paleatus are $6 each
Corydoras panda are $6 each
Corydoras weitzmani are $8 each
Corydoras pygmaeus are $5 each
Opaline (blue) gouramis are $4 each.
Elassoma gilberti (gold coast pygmy sunfish) a native fish from western Florida $22 a pair
Black banded sunfish (Enneacanthus chaetodon) are $8 each or 6 for $40 for young fish.
ANCISTRUS sp L144, Black-eyed Yellow Bristlenose Pleco $22 a pair
ANCISTRUS sp - albino bristlenose $4each for 1 to 2 inch fish, $7 each for adults
ANCISTRUS sp - spotted/brown bristlenose catfish $7 each for adults
Orange finned zebra danios (DANIO KYATHIT) $5 each
Lambchop rasboras (Trigonostigma espei) $5 each
Melanotaenia parva (Red-orange rainbow fish) $9 each for adults or 6 for $45
SEWELLIA MARMORATA sp FIREWORKS (Hillstream loach) $8 each or 6 for $40
XIPHOPHORUS HELLERI - (black Moscow swords / black velvet swordtail) $6 each
XIPHOPHORUS HELLERI - (red velvet swordtail) $5 each
XIPHOPHORUS MACULATUS - (red-wag platy) $4 each
XIPHOPHORUS MACULATUS - (Electric Blue platy / Platinum blue platy) $5 each
Dumbo-eared firecracker guppies $15 a pair
Synodontis petricola $7 each for 2-3 inch fish.
Koi are $5 each for young 3 to 5 inch fish.
All fish are home grown, tank raised.
Please respond in this thread (preferred) or email me at aquaticlifefarm@gmail.com
To clarify about the 3 Bristlenose Plecos, 3 young black eye L114
Can I get a pair of German Blue Rams?
I would like 2 bags of daphnia, 2 blue gouramis, 1 pair of firecracker guppies( is it possible to get a trio 1 male 2 female) and 3 small Bristlenose Plecos. I’m also gonna need another vinegar eel culture, my last culture turned into a slime lol. Will also need a micro worm culture. Gonna start collecting Killy fish eggs this month. That completes my order, will get cory cats next month
4 bags of Daphnia please. I should be there around 2:30 pm Saturday.
Thank you,
5 bags of daphnia please. Thx!
1 bag of daphnia please!
1 Bag of daphnia please (no more blue-eyed gertrudes?)