Wanna keep the best cichlid from Lake Malawi? C. saulosi are a relatively small mouthbrooding mbuna (rockfish inthe local languages). What makes them great is that they're among a small group of cichlids where the males and females are very colorful, but completely different from each other. Males are gorgeous iridescent blue with black bars while females are bright yellow-orange. A small group of six or so can be kept in a 40-50-gallon aquarium and they look great as a species tank. We keep them in a 65-gallon tank.
C. saulosi are easily bred and raised. Mouthbrooding females can be separated into a nursery tank and then removed once they release the fry, or can be stripped and the eggs raised in an egg tumbler. Fry are large enough to eat crushed flake foods and micro-sized pellets.
We have a bunch available including 2-inch or so where the males are starting the change color, and some around an inch that will grow quickly. PM me if you are interested in giving them a shot!