I have a bunch of Bristle nose that I would like to rehome.
Regular Brown close to 2" - $2.00 each 3 for $5.00
Albino Close to 2" $2.00 each 3 for $5.00
Super Red / Calicos mix $3.00 4 for $10.00
Long finned 2-3" Albino and Brown $4.00 each 3 for $10.00
Male Red Tail Black Fancy guppies $2.00 each 3 for $5.00
Bronze Cories (Nice size adults) $2.00 each 3 for $5.00
Willing to consider trades, female guppies needed, could use assassin snails, Rams or anything else that might be interesting.
If you want a bunch of fry let me know and I am sure we can work something out.
I am in South Anne Arundel County willing to meet within reasonable distance at public location. I expect purchaser/trade partner to practice reasonably safe measures around me. In particular wear a mask, I will do the same.
Sorry for responding to an old post on rehoming your fish. Just checking to see if you still have Albino, Longfin albino and super red/ calico mix Ancistrus Bristlenose plecos. I am in Howard county and can pickup if available. Thanks.