Hey guys, the first of the PRE ORDER LISTS is up for the BFD.
We will have a couple of pre order lists up for the Big Fish Deal.
This is the best one. This is a new supplier we've been working with over the past 6 months or so. Fish from here tend to be a little bit more expensive than other sources, but they're just unreal. They come in looking like they've been in someone's tank for the past several months. They're fat, healthy, disease free, and just plain gorgeous; they're the nicest fish you're going to find in the trade.
This is also a great source for plants, especially if you're looking for larger stuff for your AQUARIUM BEAUTIFUL ENTRY.
The following fish are available for PRE ORDER until 10 AM MONDAY, 11 February 2019 .
All orders must be received and paid by the deadline. We cannot accept late orders, sorry! Orders must be made via e-mail to We will not accept orders sent by any other means. All payments must be sent via PayPal to Batfish Aquatics at Gmail . Please contact us for more information.
Please see the bottom of this page for complete terms and conditions on the pre-order! Fish will be available to pick up at the BIG FISH DEAL. You must be a registered attendee.
Please tell me what day you wish to pick up your fish!
See the bottom for full terms and conditions.
Cichlids, New World
Apisto. "Diamond" -- $9.99
Apisto. bitaeniata -- $5.99
Dicrossus -- $3.99
Electric Blue Ram -- $9.99
Blue German Ram -- $7.99
Electric Blue Acara -- $12.99
Electric Blue Jack -- $19.99
Bio. cupido -- $14.99
Festivum -- $6.99
Firemouth -- $2.99
Polleni -- $5.99
Red Jewel -- $3.99
Salvini -- $3.99
Sajica -- $9.99
Severum, Green -- $3.99
Turq. Jewel -- $5.99
Threadfin Acara -- $5.99
Uaru -- $24.99 (2", bred)
Uaru 3" Wild -- $59.99
Jurupari -- $39.99
Balzanni -- $6.99
Red Head Tapajos -- $12.99
Red Hump -- $5.99
Discus and Angels
Blue Manacapura Discus 4" -- $90
Blue Manacapura Discus, 6" -- $125
Altum Angel -- $90 (Large, Captive Raised)
Altum Angel -- $45 (Wild, M/LG)
Brazilian Scalare, LG -- $39.99 (Wild)
Dumerillii Angel, Lg -- $24.99 (Captive)
Redspot Guyana Angel -- $9.99
Black Neon Tetra -- $1.49
Bleeding Heart -- $3.99 (Large)
Bloodfin -- $1.49
Blueberry Tetra (Wadai) -- $4.99 (Min 6)
Blue Ribbon Tetra -- $7.99 (Min 6)
Buenos Aires -- $1.49
Cardinals, XL -- $3.99
Cardinals, LG/Wild -- $1.99
Coeruleus Tetra -- $4.99 (Min 6)
Columbian Tetra -- $1.99
Congo -- $9.99
Congo, Albino -- $7.99
Congo, Red Eye -- $14.99 (Min 3)
Congo, Yellow -- $13.99 (Min 3)
Ember Tetra -- $1.99
Emperor Tetra -- $2.99
Emperor Tetra, LaCort's -- $1.99 (V. Small)
Glo-Lite Tetra -- $1.99
GL, Albino -- $1.99
Head and Tail Lite -- $1.49
Kerri's Emperor -- $3.99
Imperial Tetra -- $12.99 (H. nigricintus, min 3)
Lemon Tetra -- $2.29
Melanostichos Tetra -- $9.99 (Min 6)
Neon Tetra -- $1.99
Penguin -- $2.99
Phenocogrammus aurantiacus -- $17.99 (Min 3)
Phoenix Tetra -- $6.99
Pretty Tetra -- $1.29
Pristilla Tetra -- $1.49
Pristilla, Gold -- $1.99
Rummy Nose, Wild -- $2.99
Rummy Nose -- $3.99 (Lg, not wild)
Serpae -- $1.29
Silvertip - $1.99
Von Rio -- $1.99
Hatchet, Marbled -- $1.99
Hatchet, Marble Brazilian -- $2.99 (Larger)
Hatchet, Guyana -- $3.99
Pencil, Marginatus -- $1.99
Pencil, Red Peru -- $9.99 ( Min 6)
(Bigger Species📷 Anostomus ternetzi -- $4.99 Black Barred Metynnis -- $49.99 (JBO) Chalceus -- $11.99 Cigar Anostomus -- $9.99 Exodon -- $6.99 Leoporinus frederici -- $9.99 Redtail Hemiodus, Lg -- $19.99
Five Band Barb -- 6.99
Gold Barb -- 2.99
Orange Rhombo Barb -- 6.99
Panda Barb -- 6.99
Ruby Barb -- 3.99
Giant Danio -- $1.99
Kyathit Danio -- $4.99
Burmese Zebra Rasbora -- $5.99
Harlequin Rasbora -- $3.99 (LG)
Galaxy Rasbora -- $5.99
Roseline Shark -- $6.99
Roseline Shark, Bigger -- 14.99
All Are Min 6
Australian -- 3.99
Boesmani -- $9.99
Deep Water Creek -- 12.99
Dorito -- 9.99
Dwarf Neon (Praecox) -- $6.99
Emerald -- 9.99
Kamaka -- $7.99
Madagascar -- 4.99
Millenium, Albino -- $14.99
Millenium -- 9.99
New Guinea -- 9.99
Ornate -- $3.99
Pygmy -- 12.99
Red Laser -- 9.99
Turquoise -- 6.99
Yellow -- 9.99
Celebes -- 5.99
Forktail -- $4.99
Threadfin -- $7.99
Banjo Cat -- $4.99
Bumbebee Cat -- $3.99
Gulper Cat -- $49.99 (4-5")
Hassar -- $29.99
Ripsaw Ojon -- $19.99
Spotted Raphael -- $4.99
Striped Raphael (False) -- $4.99
Syno. decorus -- $14.99
Syno. eupterus -- $22.99 (4")
Syno. hybrid angelicus x Eupterus -- $16.99
Zamora -- $4.99
Oto Cats -- $1.99 (Min 6)
Chameleon Loricaria -- $99.99
Farlowella -- $6.99
Whiptail -- $5.99
Clown Pleco -- $4.99
Rubberlip -- $3.99
Zebra L129 -- $12.99
Inspector L201 -- $16.99
L200 XL -- $69.99
L200 LG -- $49.99
L200 SM -- $24.99
L257 Tigris -- $39.99
L106 Orange Seam -- $19.99
Butterfly L052 -- $14.99
L240 Sailfin -- $39.99 - $49.99 (SM, LG)
L330 LG -- $49.99
L190 -- $29.99
L095 Orange Cheek -- $299.99 (10-12"
L091 Redfin -- $49.99 (WOW)
L411 Monte Dourado -- $99.99
Ancistrus cucuta -- $3.99
All are MIN 6 Unless Stated
Delphax - $3.99
Habrosus -- $1.99
Elegans -- $3.99
Loxo -- $3.99
Melini -- $4.99
Metae -- $4.99
Schwartzi -- $4.99
Sp. Black -- $14.99
Sterbai, JUMBO -- $24.99
Weitzman -- $19.99 (BIG)
Xinguensis -- $14.99
Clown -- 6.99
Kuhli - 2.99
Skunk -- 3.99
Zebra Mekong Loach -- 4.99
Cherry Fin Loach -- 9.99 (Acanthocobitis Urophthalmus)
Green Tiger Loach (Helodes) -- 5.99
Banded Loach -- 4.99
Other Fish
Black Ghost -- $24.99
Peruvian Motoro Ray -- $199.99
Leaf Fish -- $9.99
Celebes Halfbeak -- $9.99
Fahakaka -- $24.99
Tiger Fish (Hydolycus) -- $29.99
Ropefish -- $14.99
Elephantnose -- $19.99
Butterfly Fish -- $9.99
Inverts CPO -- 6.99 Blue Velvet Shrimp -- 7.99 Orange Sun Shrimp -- 7.99 Orange Crystal Shrimp -- 7.99 Bamboo Shrimp (A. molluccensis) -- 12.99 Peru Zebra Shrimp (Macrobrachium) -- $7.99
Bunch Plants
Minimum of 12
Ammania -- 1.99
Amazon Sword -- 3.99
Anubias barteri "Big Round Leaf" -- 6.99
Anubias congoensis -- 5.99
Anubias frazeri -- 7.99
Anubias hastifolia -- 6.99
Apon. capuroni -- 4.99 (bulb)
Apon. ulvaceus -- 6.99
Apon. ulvaceus Bulb -- 4.99
Apon Crispus -- 1.99
Banana -- 1.99
Cabomba -- $1.99
Creeping Charlie -- 1.99
Creeping Sean -- 1.99
Crypt. blaansae -- 1.99
Crypt. petchii -- 3.99
C. pontederifolia -- 1.99
Dwarf Lily -- 1.99
Echinodorus Ruffle -- 5.99
Echinodrus Green Ozelot -- 8.99
E. Kleiner Prinz -- 6.99
E. radicans -- 4.99
E. Indian Red -- 7.99
E. rangeri -- 4.99
E. Marble Queen -- 7.99
E. melon -- 4.99
E. rosette -- 6.99
E. pinwheel -- 3.99
E. Broad Leaf Chain -- 1.79
Java Fern, Lacy -- 3.99
Java Fern, Trident -- 5.99
Hydrocotyle japan -- 7.99
Hygro. angustifolia -- 1.99
Hygro. pinnatifidia -- 1.99
Limno. hippuroides -- 1.99
LLoydiella -- 1.99
Ludwigia, Broadleaf -- $1.99
Ludwigia, Cuban -- 1.99
Ludwigia, Needle Leaf -- 1.99
Myrio. Filigree -- 1.99
Myrio, Green -- 1.99
Nesea, Golden -- $1.99
Octopus Plant -- 1.99
Onion Plant -- $1.50
Pennywort - 1.99
Pogo. erectus -- 1.99
Prosp. palustris -- 1.99
Sag. chilensus -- $1.50
Telanthera -- $1.99
Vall. corkskrew -- 0.99
Potted Plants
Min Of 6
Amazon -- 4.99
Anubias hastigolia -- 6.99
Anubias frazeri -- 6.99
Anubias nana -- $6.99
A. n. narrow leaf -- 7.99
Anubias petite -- $6.99
Baby Tears -- $4.99
Chain Sword -- 4.99
C. lutea -- 4.99
C. parva -- 4.99
C. undulata -- 4.99
C Wendtii Bronze -- 4.99
Frans Stoffels (LG) -- 7.99
Glosso -- 4.99
Hairgrass, Giant -- 4.99
Hygro. Kompact -- 6.99
Red Flame -- 4.99
Red Melon -- 4.99
Red Rubin -- 4.99
St. Elmos Fire -- 14.99 (LG)
Bigger Plants
Min is 1 📷
Anubias nangi on Wood -- 19.99
Anubias nana On Wood -- 19.99
Anubias barteri on Wood -- 19.99
Anubias Mother Plant, Barteri -- 29.99
Anubias Mother Plant, Nana -- $29.99
Crinum calamistratum -- 7.99
Crypt. spiralis -- 6.99
Crypt. parva -- 9.99
Crypt. petchii -- 7.99
Crypt. wendtii -- 7.99
Ozelot Mother Plant -- 19.99
Oriental Sword Mother Plant -- 19.99
Utricularia, Tissue Cultured -- 12.99
PRE ORDER: HOW IT WORKS. This is a pre-order list. This list differs from our in-stock list available at Batfish Aquatics.Com . The fish on this list are currently not on hand, but available from some of our great suppliers. You may order from this list to get in on these great prices, and help fill up the supplier order. You must order before the cut-off date. In order to secure these fish, you must prepay via PayPal to before the deadline. Generally, fish on this list are at least 10-25% below our usual retail cost. This is an incentive to pre-order these fish, and help us "fill the boxes" from the wholesalers. Additionally, it allows us to offer fish that we'll probably never keep on hand, because we have a guaranteed customer in mind. Please note that I am not looking at these fish, and have not seen them. I can only give you a guestimate of size. I cannot provide you with photos (use google images). I am not picking these fish, and cannot guarantee that you'll get a "really nice male," or "one that has a lot of blue on him." I can pass on reasonable requests, but make no promises, or guarantees. If you are specifically looking for a special request regarding a fish on this list (e.g., you really need a female XL Jurupari), please let me know -- I may be able to order a bunch of them and help you get exactly what you want. In the event that a fish you order does not arrive, you will be refunded, or may apply the balance to another fish purchase. In the event that any fish you ordered arrives in an unacceptable condition, including much smaller than expected, not as described, or other reasonable problem, you will be refunded for them -- this very, very rarely happens (this excludes any "special requests; if you ask for a male and get a female... well, you took a chance!). Please keep in mind, however, that wholesalers use the same rulers as fishermen. A 3" fish may not quite be three inches. 📷 You are responsible for picking up fish as agreed. Any fish not picked up as agreed upon will void their deposit. Any orders held for more than 30-days will void your deposit (e.g., repeated rescheduling or ambiguous pick-up times). (Hey, if something real comes up, and you can't make it, that's fine -- but please don't leave me holding your fish indefinitely).
Make sure you're checking the BFD Forums -- there's other pre order lists up there, too!