Downsizing, selling 40 gallon Acrylic and 20 gallon high glass tank (Actual photos before I tore them down on 7/5/24)

40g tank includes: Looking for $175
40 gallon acrylic tank with lid, powerhead, and bio balls (
Aqueon Optibright + LED Light Fixtures, Adjustable 30-36" (

20g tank includes: Looking for $50
20 gallon high Aqueon Open-Glass Aquarium Tank
NICREW ClassicLED Aquarium Light, Dimmable LED with timer, Adjustable 24-30" (
Aqueon Versa Top 24" X 12" Hinged Glass Aquarium Top
20 gallon Steel Aquarium Stand
Located in Hanover, MD. Can delivery to this week's PVAS meeting on 7/13.
40g tanks has been claimed, 20g is still available.