Hello All
I have 4 100 gallon stock tanks
3 are Rubbermaid, the 4th brand is unknown.
all are used in good shape, 3 have PVC ball values
Asking $45/each Send me a PM if interested.
Pickup would be Centreville, VA I don't have room in my car to get them to the PVAS meeting

All have been sold
I'm in interested in one.
I'm in centreville nr Stone Rd so I can swing by fairly quick.
all four are currently pending a sale. if it should fall through, I will repost.
Ill take one if theyre still available
Rubbermaids 31 in. x 53 in. x 25 in.
Approximate dimensions?
Thank you,
Hmmm... just how mad would my husband be if I buy myself another "pond" for Mother's Day?