Its fishy Friday and we are so excited for next week we cant hold it in! We got in lots of nice shrimp that we posted below but we did get in some gorgeous plants in preperation for Hiep's classes. We also have more goldfish coming in today as well!
Hygo. Cordata Red
Water Wisteria
Java Fern
Pogostemon Stellata "Octopus"
Ludwigia Inlinata
Ludwigia Repens
Rotala Rotundifolia
Mayaca Sellowiniana
Mayaca Vandelli
Ludwigia Brevipes
Crypt. Petchii
Hygo. Corymbosa "compacta"
Hygo. Stricta
Baby tears
Eusteralis Stellata
Echinodorus Decumbens
Red Tiger lotus
Rotala Mexicana
Do you have guppy grass>