Hey everyone, sorry for the late post but if you see anything you are interested in please text me at 251-349-1387 and I will bring it to the March meeting.
12" Fire Eel
CB Cardinal tetras
Apisto. Agassizii
Apisto. Pandurini
Glo-lite tetras
Diamond tetras
Emperor Tetras
L239 blue Panque
L240a Sailfin vampire Pleco
Black Pinto Shrimp
Red Pinto shrimp
SS Sunkist shrimp
24k yellow shrimp
S grade crystal red tetras
Amano Shrimp
Chili Rasboras
Pauski Rainbows
Fire red Shrimp
Blue Bolt shrimp
Blue dream shrimp
and lots more!!!
Ill do better about posting new inventory every week