t's March Madness season and we have gone mad with a 15% off live fish/ plants on Friday's and Sundays only! This sale will go on til April 7th.
Its a new week and got in a lot of great looking fish this week along with a HUGE plant order of over 60 different types of plants!!
Asst. Angelfish Asst. Guppies Asst. Mollies Asst. swordtails Celebese Rainbowfish Phoenix Rasbora Panda Garras Rummynose Rasboras Toucan Tetras YoYo Loaches Panda Corys Julii Corys Peacock gudgeons Leopard Ctenopoma South American Pufferfish- Community tank cabable Cardinal Tetras Asst Rabbitsnails pside Down Catfish Tiger Dario 4” Fire Eels Dwarf Checkerboard cichlids German Blue Rams Gold Rams Electric Blue Rams Paskai Rainbows Cory Eques Cory Loxozonus Clown Killis Silver Hatchetfish Columbian Gold Tetras Thorny Nerite Snail Rocket Pencilfish- Nannostomus Eques True L46 Zebra Plecos 1.5”