I started a fun new project creating closed ecosystems that after setup require little to no maintnence. The Opae Ula shrimp is a brackish water shrimp species from Hawaii that lives in small tidal pools and solely eat algae. you can find small bio spheres on amazon with them for a high cost so I decided to do it myself for a cheaper price and on a larger scale. Below is what I used along with a picture of the final product. I have created 4 jars so far to already have shrimp in them and the other 2 I just started the process yesterday. I might put one of them in the all day auction if enough think they are cool enough.
a gallon size glass mason jar with tight fitting glass lid.
black onyx sand
black lava rock
dried sea fan
RO water
saltwater salts
powdered spiralina algae
powdered bacteria (Bacter AE)
super cool! need one