Hello everyone,
The board would like the club to voice their opinion on meeting topic ideas! If you have a particular topic, or a specific speaker in mind, please feel free to share below in the comments or reach out to anyone on the board. We are always looking for more ways to benefit our members and bringing in topics YOU want to hear about is one of those things.
Just my two cents on who to reach out to: - There's a member of the club who regularly shows up and auctions off freshwater isopods. I know nothing about freshwater isopods and would personally value a talk on the matter by said member - My favorite fish podcast is called The Water Colors Aquarium Gallery Podcast. They've been podcasting for several years now and a couple of the regular hosts have multiple aquarium club talks prepped and ready to go. I find them very knowledgeable, responsive to their info@ email, and enthusiastic about giving talks to clubs. They're based in Michigan, however, so there would be a cost associated with getting them here - I would personally love to hear from breeders in the club on some of their breeding projects and sharing their experiences/secrets with specific species or genuses - in person spawn reports if you will. Shout out to Bob, the guy behind the youtube channel "Sonny's Fishroom". If you're reading this, I would definitely enjoy a talk on all your breeding projects.