I hope it is ok to post this here. If not I apologize. I am urgently in need of help . To keep it brief and simple I am facing foreclosure on my home and need to raise money to prevent it. Loosing the house would also be a disaster for my fish room. I am currently maintaining about 50 tanks which include many rare and endangered fishes. Please check out my Go Fund Me page for all of the details of what has happened. You can find a link to it on my facebook page, or try gofund.me/063ecee . You can also go to gofundme.com and search for John Mangan. Feel free to pm me with any questions, etc. Even if you can't afford to donate, please share this as widely as possible. Thank you in advance for anything you can do to help. A huge special thank you to the PVAS members that have already given. Your support has renewed my faith that there is still some good in the world.
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Thank you to everyone that donated to my Go Fund Me. With your support our goal was reached and the fish are now out of danger. I was overwhelmed by the amount of support given by fellow fish hobbyists, not only in PVAS, but from around the world.
Hi John,
I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. If the worst happens and you have to move, we will rally club members to help you keep your breeding colonies intact until you get settled.
I will move this forum post from News & Events to Chatter Box where members can share news about their fishrooms.
We all wish you the best of luck in resolving your situation.
Just tried the link above. It will take you to the main Go Fund Me page then you will need to search for John Mangan.