One of my Blue Diamond Discus has turned dark blue and is malnourished. I treated him with Prazi Pro doses (two in two weeks). While he has been eating a little better, he still looks the same. Vienna aquarium said to try a third treatment. A FB Group I’m in said to treat with Metronidazole (I have no idea where to get that from). Any thoughts/suggestions?
Also, I’ve been treated my water with Seachem Safe for water changes... but I have never been putting a Stress Coat into the tank. Should I use a Stress coat as well?


tank size
tank mates
nitrate reading
ammonia reading
water change schedule
how many feedings per day and of what foods
you can get metro online off of amazon . comes in powder form. wouldn’t recommend meds right away imo with discus. I’ve used prazipro in the past but it doesn’t work well for some prazi resistant internal parasites.