After working for months to clear my tank and my two blue gouramis of capillaria I now have not one, but TWO spawns swimming in the tank along with their parents who haven't laid a fin on them. They are about 10 days apart and parents were getting cosy again just now. There are probably 300 fish in that tank now. I never expected to be able to raise any this time around, still getting set up. Brine shrimp should be ready tomorrow. I had a hard enough time rehoming a single spawn. But they are soooo cute!! Ignore the algae. For some reason, Hans Peter doesn't want them down on that end of the tank. ;-)

With a nice, chubby otocinclus for scale. What an adorable little baby gourami. The LFSs are going to love you.
Spawn #6 is in the tank and I am seriously giving consideration to just busting it up. Hans Peter is too dilligent in his duties as protector. Meanwhile, the first spawn is starting to look like gouramis!
Fantastic! What a great reward after your trials and tribulations cleaning up the Capillaria.
At full screen I can see the fry swimming around in the blue area. Lots of them.
Only one female and the "eggs" were swimming. Poor pic, I guess. They are all free swimming now. And Hans Peter and Celeste were dancing again yesterday. I scooped out some and put them in a different tank. What can I put in the main that will eat them but be nice to everyone else? Guppies, I guess, but I would have to remove Hans Peter for a while.
Second spawn looks like eggs still. SO two females? You must have figured out your water concerns.
What'cha going to do with a thousand blue gouramis or even 100?
Some tetras or cichlids would limit the number that survived and might spawn themselves as a result.