Posted earlier in chatter box asking for suggestions on controlling water flow from sump pump. Pictures posted therein. Response from pump manufacturer contained in message responses.
Finally have last piece of PVC needed for the plumbing of the system. Took awhile to get that piece as I ordered for pickup from closest Home Depot, that order canceled as not in stock even though HB website said it was in stock; ordered at the next closest (same story); ordered at the third closest (same story), ordered again at the fourth closest and indeed it was in stock. Figured $4+ in gas was cheaper than the $8.99 shipping charge. Used the chat function twice and even though agents were trying to be courteous they were looking at the same stock numbers and really couldn't help.
Oh, well, here is a picture of the plumbing to go under the tank. Right to left wet/dry sump, pro-heat titanium water heater with JehmCo temperature controller and 25W UV setup.
Note return to sump before the UV filter: this will serve as control for the flow rate into aquarium without restricting water pressure out of pump and subsequent back pressure concerns.

How is the WC Echinodorus doing? I would be interested in seeing pics of it!
Plumbing installed. Carib Sea Peace River gravel added around hardscape. Three 'wild caught' Echinodorus planted to start partially emersed growth. Light is a Fluval that allows gradual sunrise/sunset with peak intensity during the day. Have it set for a few lightning storms a week.
Plan is to gradually fill during April, then to start introducing fish. Have confirmed September arrival of the Red Spotted Greens.
Excellent! I look forward to seeing your progress. September Speaker . . . that guy! Looking forward to seeing if he can fulfill your Discus order.
Yes, all from the Peruvian Amazon. Planting a 'wild caught' Echinodorus by the end of the week. Fish: starting with Corydoras rabuati (have two and hope to bring back seven more from trip starting next Sunday*) and four Loracaria caught in January. Hoping our September speaker brings me some F1 Red spotted green discus.
* I get back from working on the new Iquitos Project Amazonas house the afternoon before our April All-Day Auction.
What do you plan to stock? Amazon wild-caught?