Name: Nicole Mangold-Coleman
Scientific Name of Fish: Tanichthys albonubes
Hobby Name of Fish: White Cloud Mountain Minnow
Method of Reproduction: Egg Scatterer
Number and Gender Distribution of Parents: Group 2 males, 2 females
Origin of Parents: Tank Raised, Were in Outdoor Pond at friend’s house who no longer wanted the group.
Approximate number of eggs or fry: About 15 (Around 60* Caught 45 additional fry 10/15-10/16)
Date of Hatch or Birth*: 10/10/2024-10/12/2024 (When I saw Breeding/Eggs)
Date of Free Swimming If Hatched: 10/13/2024-10/15/2024
Approx. Number of Fry at 30 Days: About 50
Approx. Number of Fry at 60 Days About 50
Aquarium Conditions:
pH: 7.2
General Hardness: 150
Average Temperature: 74-75 F
Salinity : none
Average Nitrate: 25-50 ppm
Aquarium Size: 10 Gallon Tank
Water Source: Cistern, Hagerstown MD with Easy Dechlorinator or Sechem Prime
Water Changes: 20-25% weekly water change
Filtration System: Sponge Filter
Additives: Easy Green for Plants. CO2
Live Plants: Anubias Nangi, Cryptocoryne Undulata, Radican Marble Queen Sword, Willow Hygro, Cryptocoryne Tropica, Mayaca Fluviatilis, Java Moss, Java Fern
Wood: Spider Wood x2
Leaves: Catappa Indian Almond Leaves
Caves or Similar Hiding Places: Shrimp Hides
Substrate: Gravel
Lighting Type and Timing : Aquaneat LED Aquarium Light 18-24 inch, 10 hours daily
Food Fed to Parents and How Often: Freeze Dried Bloodworms, Xtreme Nano Pellets, Xtreme Krill Flakes, Copepods which hitchhiked on new plants added to the tank.
Food Fed to Fry and How Often: Hikari First Bites, Finely ground fish food. Morning and Evening
Comments and Additional Information: Fry have been moved from 10 gallon tank with parents and Blue Velvet Shrimp into their own separate 5 gallon tank for growing out without parents. Tank includes sponge filter and air stone. Includes spider wood and anacharis and hornwort plants.

Photo of fry in grow out tank

Photo of parents/tank. (Hopefully I got all the babies, but will double check tomorrow morning! Seems like every time I looked there was another one in the tank!)
I've confirmed the fry at the PVAS Ian meeting
Babies are doing great! They are becoming mini adults!
Babies are doing great at the 30 day mark! I have been able to raise up most if not all of the fry. Some of the biggest fry already have some red tails coming in. It so exciting to see the color they are gaining. I have upgraded them from a 5 gallon tank to a 10 gallon tank. They are thriving!
I know I am about 15 days in so wanted to add an update. Babies are doing well! They have already grown so much in that short time! Here are some updated photos.