Name: Nicole Mangold/Coleman
Scientific Name of Fish: Poecilia Reticulata
Hobby Name of Fish: Dwarf Blue Panda Guppy
Method of Reproduction: Livebearer
Number and Gender Distribution of Parents Group: 10 Females, 5 Males
Origin of Parents: Tank Raised, received at auction from another member of PVAS
Approximate number of eggs or fry: 20
Date of Hatch or Birth: 11/16/2024
Date of Free Swimming If Hatched: 11/16/2024
Approx. Number of Fry at 30 Days: 20
Approx. Number of Fry at 60 Days: 20
Aquarium Conditions:
pH: 6.8
General Hardness: 300 ppm
Average Temperature: 71 F
Salinity: None
Average Nitrate: 25-50ppm
Aquarium Size: 30x12x12, 20 Long
Water Source: Rainwater/Cistern, Hagerstown MD, Sechem Prime/Easy Declorinator
Water Changes: 10-20% once a week
Filtration System: Two Sponge Filters
Additives: Easy Green for Plants, Easy Iron, Easy Potassium for Plants
Live Plants: Guppy Grass, anacharis, Jungle Val, Willow Hygro
Plastic Plants: None
Wood: Spider Wood
Leaves: Catappa Indian Almond Leaves
Caves or Similar Hiding Places: None
Spawning mop: None
Substrate: Fluval Plant and Shrimp Stratum
Lighting Type and Timing: Aquanet LED Aquarium Light, 10 Hours Daily
Food Fed to Parents and How Often: Twice a day; Magic Nano Feed, Easy Community Floating Pellets, Xtreme Nano Pellets, Xtreme Krill Flakes, Hikari Micro Pellets
Food Fed to Fry and How Often: Twice a day: Magic Nano Feed, same variety as parents with the pellets and flakes just crushed up with a mortar and pestle
Photos of fry among the guppy grass
Photo of Parents
Comments and Additional Information: Tankmates include 2 Corydora Julii .
I confirmed the fry at the Jan PVAS meeting
Everyday I find more and more babies!